Florence, Italy, May 2020
Last week our friends in Italy were finally able to return to their businesses and get out for a breath of fresh air. Here in the US many states have also loosened the grip of economic freeze. Here and there everyone is taking first steps cautiously. In Italy particularly, the ongoing chill of Covid-19 is starkly evident. Streets that are normally vibrant are still empty.
A shot of the empty streets of Florence, which are usually bustling with activity this time of year.
Florence is usually crowded with business travelers, tourists, and international student of language, architecture, music, and indeed, all of the arts. In the 1500's Florence was the center of the Renaissance period. It led the way out of the late "dark" or late middle age period which was marked by the black death of bubonic plague. Today as we battle a modern pandemic Italy leads again.Italy was hard-hit with infection, mortality, and one of the most severe lockdowns in the Western world. Things will remain difficult and re-starting the economy presents challenges. Our pre-sale event featuring the Italo card case group began last week and is still under way now.You can help us to restart our business, and also to "pay-forward" some love and assistance to our friends and partners in Italy.

Empty Streets of Florence, Italy
For those of you who have already pre-purchased your Italo Wallet , updates on the manufacturing of your product will follow later this week. Thanks so much for your support of Bosca and for helping us to help our partners get re-started.